Thursday, October 25, 2007

Farida Iqbal in the seat of Fraser

Farida Iqbal
FARIDA IQBAL lives in Dickson and is working on a PhD thesis on violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) youth. She has been an activist for about ten years, campaigning mainly around anti-nuclear issues and same sex marriage.

In 2002 she helped to organise a large contingent from Perth to attend a national peace convergence at Pine Gap. In 2006 she helped to organise a series of protests in the ACT for same sex civil unions. She is currently helping to organise the Walk Against Warming in Canberra, and is an activist in the Canberra Network for Democracy in Burma. She is particularly enthusiastic about organising among young people.

“The Howard government banned same sex marriage, and the Labor Party fell into line behind them! Our government is not only doing very little to stop the suffering, they are actually trying to cultivate it! This is a rich country. There is no need for this callous disregard for human

“SA is a campaigning based party, we believe real change is based on the power of popular mobilisation. If elected I will use my political position to stand up for GLBT people, refugees, an end to war in the Middle East, workers rights, and for real solutions to climate change. I will continue to do this regardless of whether I am elected or not.”

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Electioneering with the SA in Canberra

Over the next 4 weeks we are running a series of campaign themes at our major stalls and speakouts. All are encouraged to join in and help out.

Below is the roster of the main campaign stalls and events.

For more details please call Karl 0403 964 247 or the activist centre on 6262 5924

If you would like leaflets or posters please call Andrew 0438 624744


This SAT 27TH - Workers Rights Before Profits. Rip Up ALL Workchoices - Support the Victorian nurses
KIPPAX Shopping Centre and Lyneham Shops 10am-12noon

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1st - Ainslie shops 4-6pm.

SAT 3RD NOVEMBER - Legalise Same Sex Marriage - End the discrimination
JAMIESON Centre and ?, 10-12noon

Tuesday 6th Public Holiday
UnionsACT Picnic Day 9am-12:30pm Northbourne Oval Braddon

SAT 10TH - Climate Action Now
Gunghalin and Charnwood Shopping Centres, 10-12noon

Sunday 11th - Walk Against Warming
Youth Rally 1pm Glebe Park, marching to main rally - 2pm City Walk Fountain

THURSDAY 15th - Dickson shops, 4-6pm

SAT 17TH - Indigenous Land Rights, Not Land Grab
SPEAKOUT as part of National day of Action - Location to be determined

ELECTION DAY - Help make a difference on polling day.

Monday, August 13, 2007

A new vision for Australia
